来自星尘的问候 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # hint1:6位弱口令 steghide extract -sf '/root/Desktop/secret.jpg' -p '123456' # hint2:《来自星尘》 font字体 # https://github.com/MY1L/Ctrl/releases/tag/v1-alpha # CtrlAstr.3.11VF.ttf # hgame{welc0me!}
simple_attack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bkcrack -C 'attachment.zip' -c '103223779_p0.jpg' -P 'src.zip' -p '103223779_p0.jpg' > > keys:e423add9 375dcd1c 1bce583e bkcrack -C 'attachment.zip' -c '103223779_p0.jpg' -k e423add9 375dcd1c 1bce583e -U 'out.zip' 123456 # out.zip 中的 photo.txt base64 解码图片 # hgame{s1mple_attack_for_zip}
希尔希尔希尔 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 # photo crc 爆破 # [Width]:1394 # [Heught]:1999 # 分离出zip binwalk -e secret.png ---run-as=root # zseteg获得key zsteg secret.png # >>KEY:[[8 7][3 8]];A=0 # 希尔解密 # DISAPPEARINTHESEAOFBUTTERFLY # hgame{DISAPPEARINTHESEAOFBUTTERFLY}
ek1ng_want_girlfriend 直接导出图片查看即可
1 hgame{ek1ng_want_girlfriend_qq_761042182}
ezWord 文件改为.zip打开,media目录下,image1.png与100191209_p0.jpg 进行盲水印解码 解压secret.zip
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dear E-Commerce professional ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . We will comply with all removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1620 ; Title 3 ; Section 308 ! This is not a get rich scheme ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich in 27 MONTHS . Have you ever ... ... love convenience ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU turn your business into an E-BUSINESS & SELL MORE . You can begin at absolutely no cost to you ! But don't believe us . Mr Ames of Louisiana tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . We are licensed to operate in all states . We BESEECH you - act now . Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 50% ! Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer . # spammimic 籱籰籪籶籮粄簹籴籨粂籸籾籨籼簹籵籿籮籨籪籵簺籨籽籱簼籨籼籮籬类簼籽粆 # ROT8000 hgame{0k_you_s0lve_al1_th3_secr3t}
龙之舞 频谱图 -> 频谱图设置频率调高至20000 得出的频谱图翻转
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 from PIL import Imagegif = Image.open ('龙之舞.gif' ) qrcode_size = 162 out = Image.new('RGB' , (qrcode_size * 2 , qrcode_size * 2 )) for i in range (gif.n_frames): gif.seek(i) if i != 0 and (gif.getpixel((gif.size[0 ] - qrcode_size, gif.size[1 ] - qrcode_size)) != (0 , 180 , 0 )): crop = gif.crop((gif.size[0 ] - qrcode_size, gif.size[1 ] - qrcode_size, gif.size[0 ], gif.size[1 ])) if i == 54 : out.paste(crop, (0 , 0 , qrcode_size, qrcode_size)) elif i == 120 : out.paste(crop, (0 , qrcode_size, qrcode_size, qrcode_size * 2 )) elif i == 152 : out.paste(crop, (qrcode_size, 0 , qrcode_size * 2 , qrcode_size)) elif i == 231 : out.paste(crop, (qrcode_size, qrcode_size, qrcode_size * 2 , qrcode_size * 2 )) out.save('qrcode.png' )
1 hgame{drag0n_1s_d4nc1ng}
我要成为华容道高手 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 let getSolve = function (state ) { let que = [state], vst = {[state]: {prev : null , move : null }}, result = []; while (que.length ) { let cur = que.shift (), res = false ; if (cur[13 ] === '5' ) { let traceState = cur; while (vst[traceState].prev !== null ) { let moveInfo = vst[traceState].move ; result.unshift (moveInfo); traceState = vst[traceState].prev ; } break ; } for (let i = 0 ; i < cur.length ; i++) { (res = moveUp (cur, i)) && !vst[res] && que.push (res) && (vst[res] = {prev : cur, move : {position : i, direction : 1 }}); (res = moveDown (cur, i)) && !vst[res] && que.push (res) && (vst[res] = {prev : cur, move : {position : i, direction : 3 }}); (res = moveLeft (cur, i)) && !vst[res] && que.push (res) && (vst[res] = {prev : cur, move : {position : i, direction : 4 }}); (res = moveRight (cur, i)) && !vst[res] && que.push (res) && (vst[res] = {prev : cur, move : {position : i, direction : 2 }}); } } return result; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 import requestsimport execjsurl = '' js_code = open ("core.js" , encoding='utf-8' ).read() ctx = execjs.compile (js_code) state = '05132111241230411412' def getSolve (state ): return ctx.call("getSolve" , state) response = requests.get(url + '/api/newgame' ).json() gameId = str (response['gameId' ]) result = getSolve(response['layout' ]) while True : try : response = requests.post(url + '/api/submit/' + gameId, json=result).json() print (response) layout = str (response['game_stage' ]['layout' ]) result = getSolve(layout) except : print (response['flag' ]) break